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Individuals with fibromyalgia (FM) struggle with body pain, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, difficulty concentrating and poor digestion. It is a disease that affects the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, which are all linked together in a neuro/endocrine/immune axis. Currently approved medications to treat FM are marginally effective and they do not address the underlying causes of the condition.


These causes include mitochondrial dysfunction, hormone imbalances, chronic stress, intestinal dysbiosis, environmental toxins and others. You can’t address a chronic, multisystem condition like FM with only drugs meant to suppress symptoms. You need to put together a comprehensive healing program that supports all the systems of your body.


A key component of fibromyalgia treatment program includes putting in place a micronutrient supplement program designed to support your mitochondria’s ability to repair themselves and return to generating optimal energy. The specific micronutrients comprising this supplement program have been identified and tested over my 30 years of clinical experience. They are not prescribed to correct dietary deficiencies but to deliver therapeutic dosages of key nutrients known to decrease oxidative stress and support mitochondrial function in all of your cells.


When your mitochondria are properly supported, every other part of your treatment program will work better. This includes diet, hormones and medications. They will all work better when your cells have more energy to work with.


My goal is to empower you so you can put in place a strong foundation for your healing program. Your healing program needs to focus on stimulating your body’s innate healing abilities so the root cause(s) of your condition can be addressed and repaired. 


We will address diet, supplements, hormone balance, gut health, medications and mind-body techniques. Better health is in your future!

When I first met with you, my entire intestinal system was devastated from intestinal parasites and chronic antibiotic treatment. Your care, attention, knowledge, and the treatments you offered me based on your research, helped me rebuild my whole life.


If I hadn't found you, things could have gone in a really bad direction. As it was, you set me on a gentle and gradual course for recovery that healed my entire life. An unexpected effect of improving my gut health was that the migraines and chronic sinus infections I'd had my whole life completely stopped. 


Thank you for how much you helped me and I am so happy that you have returned to private practice. I know that everyone you care for will be very, very lucky.


With love and respect,

Jessica S…..Chicago, Illinois


When I first met with you, my entire intestinal system was devastated from intestinal parasites and chronic antibiotic treatment. Your care, attention, knowledge, and the treatments you offered me based on your research, helped me rebuild my whole life.


If I hadn't found you, things could have gone in a really bad direction. As it was, you set me on a gentle and gradual course for recovery that healed my entire life. An unexpected effect of improving my gut health was that the migraines and chronic sinus infections I'd had my whole life completely stopped. 


Thank you for how much you helped me and I am so happy that you have returned to private practice. I know that everyone you care for will be very, very lucky.


With love and respect,

Jessica S…..Chicago, Illinois

© 2021 Integrative Health Consulting, Inc.

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